What is a Title Tag, All about the Title Tag for Search Engine,

What is a Title Tag?
Title Tag:
            Title tags, technically called title elements, define the title of a document and are required for all HTML/XHTML documents.

Code Sample
<title>Example Title</title>

Optimal Format
Primary Keyword - Secondary Keyword | Brand Name
Brand Name | Primary Keyword and Secondary Keyword

Best Practices
Less than 70 characters, as this is the limit Google displays in search results.

What is a Title Tag?:
                     A title tag is the main text that describes an online document. It is the single most important on-page SEO element (behind overall content) and appears in three key places:
Title Tags show up in both the top of a browsers chrome and in applicable tabs.

SEO Best Practice:
The title element of a web page is meant to be an accurate and concise description of a page's content. This element creates value in three specific areas (covered below) and is critical to both user experience and search engine optimization:
Creating a descriptive, keyword-laden title tag is important for increasing rankings in search engines. The screen shot below comes from SEOmoz's survey of 37 influential thought leaders in the SEO industry on the search engine ranking factors. In that survey, 35 of the 37 participants said that keyword usage in the title tag was the most important place to use keywords to achieve high rankings.
               As title tags are such an important part of search engine optimization, implementing best practices for title tags makes for terrific low-energy, high-impact SEO tasks. The recommendations below cover the critical parts of optimizing title tags for search engine and usability goals:
  1. Be Mindful of Length =>Click here for more
  2. Place Important Keywords Close to the Front of the Title Tag   =>Click here for more
  3. Leverage Branding  =>Click here for more
  4. Consider Readability and Emotional Impact =>Click here for more
  5. Browser  =>Click here for more
  6. Search Engine Result Pages  =>Click here for more

NOTECLICK HERE For Most Awesome Blogger Tricks You Must Use In Your blog 


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