10 Most Awesome Blogger Tricks You Must Use In Your Blogspot Blogs

10 Most Awesome Blogger Tricks You Must Use 

In Your Blogspot Blogs

Blogger is one of the most used blogging platform which makes the blogger world's best blogging platform for newbies. Blogger is not only used by newbies but many professionals also find this platform reliable and comfortable. There are many other cool reasons to use blogger. No doubt Wordpress has its own benefits but you can beat Wordpress by applying Blogger Hacks and Blogger tricks in your blogspot blog. Here are 10 blogger hacks that you must use in your blogspot blogs to give your blog a professional and mature look.
1- Remove Navigation Bar (navbar):
                      shows a navigation bar on the top of each created blog. It does not hurt any one however you can remove that nav bar to remove Blogspot's branding from your blog pages
how to remove navbar: click here 

2- Add a Favorites Icon (fav icon):

                        Fav icon is a may be a static or dynamic icon which comes in various very small sizes and appears in URL address of your internet browser. you must use the useful functions to make your blog look more professional. 
how to add favourites Icon: Click here

3- Title Tags for Blogger Search Engine Optimization (Better Blogger SEO):

                             By default, blogger displays Blog Name First followed by Post Title (Blog Name - Post Title) which does not appeal search engines and normal users. So, its definitely a good idea to swap blogger titles and place Post Title First
What is Title Tag: Click here for more

4- Auto Read More With Thumbnails:

                                Earlier, blogger did not support excerpts i.e. Auto Read More or Auto Summary functions however several developers developed scripts to create auto read more functions for blogger. Blogger find those hacks interesting and officially added the function of "Read more" in each blog.
Auto read more: Click here 
5- Google AdSense Ads inside Your Blogger Posts:

                               You must Place Google Ads inside your posts. If you are one of those bloggers who want to make money from their blogs then placing Google AdSense ads inside your blog posts will definitely be a good idea.

  how to add adsense ads inside blogger post: Click here for details

6- Blogger Page Navigation (Page Numbers):
                           Page Number is one of the most useful hacks ever created. Its really an amazing feature as your blog gets a Page Number like WordPress blogs. It ads more professionalism in your blog and makes easier to your blog readers to explore your blog. You do not need any programming knowledge or plugin to do this. It takes only 1 minute to add Blogger Page Numbers.

7- Reply Button within Comments:
                        just like the wordpress comment system or comments system have a reply-to-reply comment system which means readers can make reply to existing reply. you must use the useful functions to make your blog look more professional. 

8- Recent Posts With Thumbnails:
                         you should post all your recent posts with thumbnails. you must use the useful functions to make your blog look more professional. 

9- Use a Custom Domain Name:
                        if you can afford 10$/year then using the custom domain for your blog is really a great idea!
you can assign your free domain by clicking here with 1.5gb free space.

10- Social Bookmarking Widget:
                 social bookkmarking widget are one of the most popular and greatest way to attract traffic to your blog. you can share your posts or you can let the world to do this job by adding the bookmark button to your blog. twitter, facebook, and youtube are the greatest way to improve the traffic.  


  1. Very nice tips, Thanks you....

  2. How Can I add Social bookmarking Widget? Thanks
